Dear Budget Guitarist Readers,

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  Thank you all very much for coming here and reading my site.  Each month, several thousand people take time out of their busy day and visit my site, and that fills me with holiday cheer.  2016 will see many improvements to the site, but I promise there will be NO popup screens here, no matter what.  I might slip in an ad or two, to help defray the hosting costs and maybe pay a little cash to some guest writers.  Actually I probably will, because I have many guitarist friends who have a lot of good wisdom to share.

I put up a post about my first refret – I’m now on my second, and am starting to take the process more seriously.  As a result, there will be a new series about fretting that some might find useful – newbies will get advice from someone only slightly ahead of them, and experienced luthiers can get entertainment out of seeing the bonehead mistakes I make.  Great fun.

I hope you get a PRS ten top under the tree, or at least something guitar-related.  Merry Christmas!