It’s August 2021 and I took a trip to Guitar Center in Tampa, and made a video for the channel.  Spoiler Alert – their inventory is down dramatically.  They can’t get in much new stuff, and people aren’t trading stuff in.  Link to the video below.

Since the shot was made available, about 70,000 people have died because they didn’t get the shot.  For some reason, people have decided they’re smarter than the experts and they don’t have to believe facts if they don’t want to.  In Florida, the governor banned the requirement of masks in schools, and the variant is ripping through them.

In my county, we had over 200 staff/student cases on Friday.  That’s higher than any time last year, and it’s pretty much daily now.  It’s far worse than ever.  Masks would have helped.  They still could help.  On one hand, you have science and the entire medical community in agreement on masks, and on the other hand, you have people who are getting their info from Facebook and Internet conspiracy theory bullshit, and kids are getting sick.  Some will be hospitalized… assuming there are beds available.  Schools may need to close at some point.

Thanks for letting me rant (not like you had a choice, but you had the choice of reading it). Here’s the video: