The least expensive Epiphone is now $160 (Melody Maker).  The least expensive Squier is now $150 (Bullet “Limited Edition” Telecaster). The days of the $100 new Epiphone or Squier are over, unless you find a blowout deal or buy used.  Do we care?

I do.  The problem is inflation.  Inflation each year is anywhere from 3% to 5%, depending on who you listen to.  Prices right now are high because of a limited supply chain due to the worldwide pandemic and other issues.  You can’t sell a Squier Bullet for $100 every year for decades – economics doesn’t work that way.

And yet it’s funny how Shure has managed to sell the SM 57 for a hundred bucks for over 20 years.

Regardless, I mourn the passing of the era of hundred dollar guitars.  I’m sure there are some off brand junkers out there still available, such as Guitar Center’s store brand Mitchell, but I’m talking about the big brands.

The regular stock Bullet Tele is now $190, which is where the Affinity used to be, not that long ago.  The Affinity Strat is now $250.  But it has slightly upgraded hardware.

I did a different post about Fender/Squier pricing.  Considering inflation and upgrades, it’s fair.  But it’s interesting to hear people start to talk about the Affinity series the same way they used to talk about the Classic Vibe series.  I sort of want one, just to get one.  Nobody has them in stock… even Amazon is suffering from low inventory on Affinity Strats, as I type this.  Fortunately I have a far better Strat hanging on my wall right now.

For the past 7 years I’ve determined that a “budget” guitar is a guitar that is $500 or less.  At some point I’ll need to raise the limit.  If I raised the limit using Fender pricing, I’d raise it to around $750 or $800.  But I just can’t.  $600 might be more reasonable.