I recently bought a trem block/saddle combo package from Fender for somewhere around $28.  It had the block, the plate, the screws, and the bent metal saddles.  The block itself is full-sized, but it’s die-cast – meaning it’s pot metal.  Still, it’s interesting to note that the trem block that came with my MIM Strat years ago had a pot metal trem block that was half the width of a “normal” block.  Would swapping out a half width trem block with a full width make a difference?

We are in dangerously subjective territory here.  As a wise man in a forum once said, whatever you want the mod to do, it will likely do.  Meaning we fool ourselves.  I wanted to notice a little more sustain with a larger block.  Did I?  Yes.  Yes, I did.  The new block seems to sustain notes a little longer.  Does this mean my next experiment should be moving from full sized pot metal to full sized metal?  Yes.  Am I going to do it?  Yes.

Why?  Because it’s fun.  It’s fun upgrading a Strat.  I’m well aware that the actual difference in tone is probably too small to hear.  But when I play it, the difference is real to me.  In a recording, no one would be able to tell the difference.  Hell, most non-musicians wouldn’t know a POD 2 from a Marshall stack when it’s mixed into a song.  We agonize over crap no one cares about.

Is it possible that there really is a difference?  Of course there’s a difference.  There can’t NOT be a difference, because I changed a variable.  I added more mass to the bridge.  The real question is, can you actually hear the difference?  I feel like I do, and that’s enough for me.  So would I recommend this mod?  Yes, I would.  At the end of the day, even though this is very subjective, I think it does make a small difference.