I went NUTS trying to find out the answer to a simple question:  Does the Line 6 EX 1 Expression Pedal work with the HX Stomp?  Both are made by the same company.  But the most common answer was “probably.”  So here is the answer…

YES.  Yes, the EX 1 works just fine with the HX Stomp.  It does.  I have one.  I’ll be doing a review of the EX 1 very soon.  But for any poor joker out there who is wondering if the $69.99 pedal on Amazon will work with their HX Stomp, I can promise you it does.

Setting it up is a little tricky.  Here are two screenshots that will demonstrate how to patch the EX 1 in.  HINT – the biggest gotcha is that the HX Stomp sees the pedal as EXP Pedal 2.

Here’s a wah pedal:

And HERE are the controller settings:

If you duplicate those settings, you’ll be playing “Voodoo Child” in no time.  Applying these same general settings to other pedals, you can then explore the wonder world of pitch shifting, bringing in reverb, all kinds of cool stuffs.

Quickie tip – if you end up with a big list of junk in the above Edit column, you can right-click on any line and clear either that line or clear all lines.  Comes in handy.

I hope this helps someone.