We have a new washer and a new dryer coming on Friday this week.  But we had dirty clothes now.  Do I go to a laundromat during a pandemic?  Hell and no.  I go to my parent’s house, because they have a washer and dryer.  They’re not home right now.  So I thought “I know.  I’ll bring my HX Stomp, my laptop, and a guitar, and I’ll work on some guitar patches.”

I gave a small amount of thought to trying to do some songwriting.  I use Logic Pro, which has an artificial intelligence drummer in it that everyone except me seems to overlook, and maybe I could put up a drum beat and jam some guitar parts with it.  Recording would be a problem because… well, I hate software monitoring for guitar parts.  I can’t handle latency.

But here’s a really cool tip for your Line 6 digital modeler.  If you take your Pod Go (or HX Stomp) and connect it to your computer via USB cable, and you plug in your guitar and launch your DAW, your Pod Go will automatically give you your DAW mix through the Pod Go headphone jack AND it will give you zero latency monitoring of your guitar.  I had no idea it could do that.  So when you want to put down a guitar part, you just plug your headphones into your Pod Go (or HX Stomp) and you’ll get a great mix of your DAW and your guitar part with no latency.  No fancy patching required – the device is smart enough to understand what you’re doing.

This makes for a great mobile rig for writing.  You bring your guitar, your Pod Go, your computer, some headphones and a USB cable, and you’re all set.  I recorded three different song/jam ideas.  Who knew doing laundry could be this productive?