Last night I started recording video for my upcoming channel.   I realize that most people come to this site to read about Epiphone Les Pauls, not to read blog entries about my upcoming YouTube channel, but if nothing else, it might be interesting to those who are wondering what goes into starting a channel.

I’ve already talked about how important lights are, and how if you’ve got an iPhone 5 or better you have a good enough camera.  If I didn’t mention it, I also have a cheap tripod from 15 years ago that still works, and I bought an iPhone adaptor for the tripod for a few bucks on Amazon.

Anyway, the first video that I want to release will be a bunch of different guitars played through my Fender Bassbreaker 15 into a one by twelve Orange cab with a Celestion Vintage 30.  But what I filmed last night was the process of working on improving my Squier Jagmaster, which has some issues I need to fix.  I have no idea when I’ll finish working on it or get the video out, but I recorded a bunch of work on it last night.

If you want to start a YouTube channel, record everything you think might be of interest to someone sometime.  You don’t have to use the footage, but it’s nice to have it.  I’m hoping tonight I’ll be able to record the first video for my channel.  I’d like to get four done before I release the first one, because I want to release once a week, but we’ll see how impatient I get.  This social distancing situation has given me a lot of time at home to fill, so I’m really hoping to get this thing rolling very, very, VERY soon!  Stay tuned and as always, thank you for reading.