OK, you don’t actually need to call yourself a “record label” to release your own music.  You might technically need to call yourself a publisher, but not a record label.  But here’s my point: you can make as many original release albums as you want, no matter how you look, how old you are, where you live, what style you play, or even your skill level.  You can go 20 years between releasing albums, or 20 days.  You can do whatever styles you want.  You have 100% control of everything.

Do you have any idea how many “real” artists out there are miserable because they don’t have those things?

Naturally, there’s a catch.  You either need people to help you, or you need to learn how to do literally everything.  I learned how to do everything because I love this stuff.  I love all the parts.  You might not.  But there are other people out there who can help you… for a fee, of course.

And there’s another catch.  You ain’t gonna make a living off your original music, unless you are crazy good and willing to sacrifice everything else in your life to chase the dream of doing this for a living.  The thing is, you can do most of the same stuff without sacrificing your life.  The biggest difference between me working as a web developer while making music versus someone waiting tables while making music is that I make more money, enjoy my day job more, and I have a good retirement policy.  How is that a loss?

Granted, the person working as a waitress might one day be able to make a living 100% from music, and I won’t.  Um, OK.  John Mayer is an international rock star.  But he’s singing about getting drunk alone in a hotel room and crying on the floor.  I like John Mayer’s music a lot.  I’ve seen him live 3 times.  I feel sorry for him.  How weird is THAT?

Everyone needs to choose their own adventure, but just be sure you understand what you really want out of life.  Do you want to be a star badly enough that you’d be willing to leave your family and friends, and you’re willing to not have any serious romantic relationships that might get in the way of your career, and you don’t want to get married and have kids,  and you’re willing to wait tables or do whatever it takes for as long as it takes?  If yes, do you have crazy talent?  If yes, go for it!

But most of us don’t want that lifestyle.  Me, I always wanted to be Alan Parsons.  Just sit in a studio and make records, and never play live.  So that’s what I did, but I did it for a hobby, and I’m still doing it, and I’m still loving it.  No record company can say “Um, you’re too old, we’re pulling your funding.”  Ha!  Of course, I haven’t had a lot of success.  I’ve licensed some music to some national chains.  That’s pretty cool.  By my estimate, about a million people have heard one of my songs – maybe more.  It hasn’t led to very much money, but that’s why I make web pages.  If I were writing songs for a living, I’d probably hate it.  And I’d be making web pages for a hobby.  Am I bragging?  Not really – I haven’t been all that financially successful, but I’ve enjoyed making the four albums that I’ve released, and I have plans for albums 5 and 6.  Alan Parsons is still releasing new music and he’s in his 70’s.  Why can’t I?

You CAN follow your dreams as a hobby.  It’s possible.  Not only is it possible, but millions of people around the world are doing it.  It’s music!  Have fun with it!  If you aren’t having fun, you’re doing it wrong.  Technology may have killed record sales, but it made all of these tools available to you for practically nothing.  You can have a recording studio and release your music to the entire world.  IF you want to.