As a computer nerd who writes code in addition to music, I like to hack problems and think outside of the box.  The grocery stores are out of lots of stuff, so I have a few hacks for you.

  1. Make your own spaghetti.  The stores are out of pasta, but if you’ve got flour and eggs, that’s all it takes!  There’s still plenty of jarred spaghetti sauce out there.
  2. Buy unshredded balls of mozzarella cheese.  If the shredded cheese is gone, head on over to the cheese section and look for balls of mozzarella.  Other people won’t have thought of it yet.  You can shred it or slice it at home.  Grab it before it’s gone!
  3. Think boxed and canned.  You can only fit so much stuff in the fridge/freezer.  Pop Tarts rock.  You’re a guitar player, so you obviously like Pop Tarts, right?
  4. Poultry all gone?  Hit up the frozen turkey section and buy the “straight from freezer to oven” bag of turkey.  Go home and make it, then reheat it for dinner and have it for sandwiches the next day.  If you have freezer room, you could freeze it.
  5. Prepackaged sandwich lunchmeat is still out there in small quantities.  Grab it.
  6. Those awesome Hawaiian bread rolls might still be in stock, even though the bread is gone.  Grab those.
  7. Milk and cereal are disappearing nationwide, so if you like those items, grab them now.
  8. Obvious tip – eat up your leftovers NOW, because they’ll be the first to go bad.
  9. Hit up the grocery store in the morning when it opens.  After work the stores will be crazy busy.  First thing in the morning is good.
  10. Use the hand sanitizer wipes at the customer service counter (another obvious tip.)

Take this thing seriously.  Stay home.  Practice and watch YouTube guitar videos.  Stay safe out there!